I love online shopping, to the point where I should probably have an intervention. I am a lazy person who happens to work from home a lot of the time; it’s pretty common for me to spend my breaks online shopping. There’s one thing that the recreational.
Actor, comedian, and well known cannabis connoisseur Seth Rogen divulged a rather surprising fact about himself and Snoop Dogg during a recent appearance on Howard Stern’s show on Sirius XM Radio. Apparently neither him or Snoop Dogg mess around with.
Yesterday an article on High.
I hate hangovers. I know, everyone does. When I first started drinking, I could drink full fifths of vodka and wake up the next day feeling fine and frisky. Now, after a night of heavy boozing I wake up feeling like I’ve been run over by a tank. Part.
One of the prevailing myths about people who use cannabis that just doesn’t seem to go away is the myth of the unemployed and unmotivated stoner. Well, maybe we can swap that inaccurate stereotype for another one: the successful stoner.
It's that time. You're about to load a fresh bowl in your favorite piece and you notice that horrible stench. Oh no, it's your bong. So now you've noticed that your.
If you’re into dabbing (which you absolutely should be) then you’re of course familiar with the concept of a carb cap. If you’re not, a carb cap is basically an.
Cannabis legalization has resulted in a lot of good things. Traffic fatalities are down because people aren’t.
Last year, Crystal Pepsi came back to little fanfare; there’s a reason why that soda was discontinued. There’s another kind of crystal that’s making a big splash, I’m talking about crystal dabs of course.
What are crystal dabs, you ask? There.
Meeting women can be a bit nerve wracking, okay extremely nerve wracking. It doesn't have to be. Here's a few pointers from me, a stoner chick.
She Might Already Be In Your Circle
Chances are good that the stoner chick.
It’s time to talk about loading a bowl, specifically what people are still doing wrong when packing and loading a bowl. A common misconception is that the more you pack into the bowl, the longer it will last, the better it will smoke, and the higher you.
Now that cannabis is slowly becoming more and more mainstream, luxury cannabis products are becoming very popular with the rich and famous. While fancy things like gold rolling papers.
We all know that the major social media companies like Facebook and Instagram are not fans of the cannabis industry. In 2016 both platforms removed thousands of social media accounts related to cannabis for violations of their terms of service. Despite.
When it comes to texting, there is no shortage of emojis, you know those fun little emoticons that seem to accompany every text message, social media post, and are sometimes even on emails from my professors. Except that there are no emojis for stoners.
I need to get something off of my chest, you guys. I was recently having lunch with a friend, and she was telling me that she was having problems with her current boyfriend. Her ex (the guy from the previous relationship) told her, “That’s what you get.
Is it hard for you to stay in one place for long? Does your will belong to the whim of the wind? If so, you better stock up before heading out with these necessities for the traveling stoner!
A Small Pipe Or One-Hitter
An obvious necessity.
For all those stoners who love to roll, you know that there are dozens upon dozens of possibilities when considering the types of paper available, the types of bud you can use, the style of your role, and even whether or not you want to add something.
When thinking of new glass to buy, I don't usually start small and work my way up, I usually go for the nice desk bongs and dab rigs, but it's important not to forget about the smaller necessities. If you're going on vacation, moving, or simply trying.
Let's start with the basics, detoxing is what happens the first few days to weeks after you stop putting whatever your substance of choice is into your body, this still applies to cannabis. When your body is detoxing, it is releasing the residual toxins.
I’ve been smoking weed for almost 16 years now, after starting in my early teens. I’ve experienced the fun of being a stoner at every stage of my youth, and I can tell you that as you get older, being a stoner only gets better and better. Being a stoner.
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December 04, 2024
Famous Brandz has been bringing our stoner dreams to life by collaborating with the worlds top cannabis culture icons like Cheech & Chong, Trailer Park Boys, and perhaps the patron saint of all things cannabis, Snoop Dogg.
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